The University shall determine the residency status of each student enrolled in the
university for the purpose of establishing whether the student should be assessed
in-state or out-of-state tuition. Each applicant for admission to the university
shall submit, at the time of application, evidence for determination of residency.
The Office of Admissions shall make the initial determination of residency status.

- Adult Students: To be considered a resident, an adult student must have been a bona fide resident
of Illinois for a period of a least six consecutive months immediately preceding the
beginning of any term for which the individual registers at the university and must
continue to maintain a bona fide residence in Illinois. In the case of an adult student
who resides with his or her parents, the student will be considered a resident if
the parents have established and are maintaining a residence in Illinois.
- Minor Students: The residency status of a minor student shall be the same of the minor's parents or
guardians if they are living together, or if the parents are divorced or separated
the residency status of the minor shall be determined by the residency status of the
custodial parent.
- Emancipated Minors: Emancipated Minors If emancipated minors actually reside in Illinois, such minors
shall be considered residents even though their parents or guardians may not reside
in Illinois. Emancipated minors who are completely self-supporting shall be considered
residents if they have maintained a dwelling place within Illinois for a period of
at least twelve consecutive months.
Status Appeal Procedure
Students who take exception to their residency status classification or need to update
their status shall pay the tuition assessed but may file a claim in writing to the
Office of the Registrar for reconsideration of the residency determination. The written
claim must be accompanied by at least two of the following documents for verification:
- Ownership of a valid Illinois Driver's License for no less than six months prior to
the term
- Rental Lease Agreement and Rent Receipts in the student's name
- Copy of Illinois Tax Return filed for the current or previous year
- Utility bills in the student's name
If the student is granted a change in residency status, a change in tuition charge
shall be applicable during the term in which the reclassification occurs.
Forms for Residency Status Appeal/Change can be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
- Illinois Residency: If a student is designated as an out-of-state resident, he or she may qualify for
in-state residency by meeting certain qualifications. The process to determine in-state
residency for tuition purposes is very detailed and lengthy. Students will need to
complete and submit the Declaration of Residency form, along with the supporting documents
(original), to the Office of Records and Registration in the Cook Administration Building,
Room 128.
- U.S. Citizenship/Permanent Resident: If a student needs to update their citizenship, he or she may report changes by submitting
required documentation. Students will need to complete and submit the Declaration
of Residency form, along with supporting documents (original), to the Office of Records
and Registration in the Cook Administration Building, Room 128.
Please note: Residency Status Appeal/Change form can be obtained in the Office of the Registrar (ADM 128).
Adult Student: A student who is eighteen years of age or older.
Minor Student: A student who is less than eighteen years of age.
Emancipated Minor Student: A student who is less than eighteen years of age and is completely self-supporting.
Marriage or active military service shall be regarded as effecting the emancipation
of minors, whether male or female, for the purposes of residency classification.
Residence A legal domicile: Neither length of university attendance nor occupancy in Residence Hall shall be construed
to be proof of residence.
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